Make a Difference

Volunteering Application​

Volunteer Opportunities

527Asset 1

Program Decorating Assistant

We are seeking volunteers with a knack for arts and crafts to help us build decorative displays for large events! Tasks would include cutting, painting, assembling large backdrops, and more. * On an as-needed basis.

527Asset 2


Volunteer would assist with a variety of tasks such as preparing program materials, assisting with book preparation for outreach services, and delivering to homebound patrons or local little libraries.

529Asset 4


Assist in the library’s Storytime Garden with a variety of tasks that could include prepping in the spring and cleanup in the fall.

Application Form

* Indicates required questions

1. Email *
General Information
2. Name *
3. Age Range *
Mark only one.
4. Address *
5. Phone Number *
6. Emergency Contact *
7. Phone Number *
Student Information if Applicable
Mark only one
Armative responses to the following questions will not automatically exclude you from volunteering.
9. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
Mark only one
If yes, please explain:
11. Are you willing to submit to a criminal background check if required? *
Mark only one
12. Are you willing to submit to a drivers' background check if required? *
Mark only one
13. Are you volunteering to fulfill court ordered community service hours? *
Mark only one
14. Why are you interested in volunteering? *
Skills, Interests, and Availability
15. First Date Available *
Example: January 7, 2019

16. Available times (please check all that apply):
Check all that apply.







Morning (9-1)

Afternoon (1-5)

Evening (1-5)

17. Specific hours (please list)
18. How often would you like to have your volunteer shift?
Mark only one
19. Activities You Would Like To Do (check all that apply) Note: not all activities will be available at all

20. Activities you would prefer not to do:
21. Physical limitations that prevent you from doing certain tasks:
22. Previous work, volunteer, or computer experiences (please include any special skills, interests, or training that could be useful at the library): *


I hereby certify that the information provided above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand I will not be paid as a volunteer.
I agree to a four month commitment with a regular working schedule, if chosen to be a volunteer.
I understand I will serve as needed by the Pekin Public Library and my assignment may end at any time, with or without cause.
I understand my application may not be selected for volunteer service.
I understand it is the policy of the Pekin Public Library to protect the privacy of those who use the library. I agree to hold all information about customers in complete condence and to access this information only in the course of performing my volunteer assignments. In addition, I understand a breach of condentiality is grounds from dismissal from the library's Volunteer Program.
Signature *
Maximum file size: 2 MB
24. Date *
Example: January 7, 2019
25. Parent or Guardian (if applicant is under 18)